A Heart that Bleeds Keaney Blue
Mackenzie DiVite’s Rhody pride runs deep; from flags to car decals and everything in between, she’s got it. DiVite boasts that her family practically buys out the bookstore when she makes the trip up to Rhode Island from her home in New Jersey, which makes it no surprise to see DiVite rocking Rhody gear when attending basketball games alongside her husband, a fellow alum.
As a successful high school athlete, she had her pick when it came to schools, but it was important to DiVite that she love the school she would attend for more than its athletics program. DiVite arrived on crutches from a sports-related injury during freshman orientation, and despite the less-than-ideal circumstances, she knew instantly that URI was the school for her.
“Everybody was so kind, so patient with me, offering to carry books and putting me in golf carts. That, to me, set the tone for my career here.”
DiVite, a communications major, pushed herself to take risks and branch out. Being away from home was an opportunity to gain some independence. She participated in many of the extracurricular activities offered on campus. She was a women’s rowing team member, a campus tour guide, and a student board member of the Student Alumni Association.
Getting involved on campus helped her meet new people and come out of her shell. She also learned important skills like managing her time and being responsible for her own success. All things that have served her well in her career as an event planner.
When she began her career at URI she wasn’t entirely sure what direction she wanted to go. It was the guidance of her advisor Professor Mark Greenwood that helped her realize what she really wanted to do.
She enjoyed her public relations courses and realized she had an interest in event management. From there, she pursued an internship with TD Bank as an event coordinator that eventually turned into a career. Divite is now Director of Events for The Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey.
Her gratitude for these experiences is why she chooses to stay connected with the University. The pride and sense of belonging that the URI experience provided motivates DiVite to give in support of current students each year, for the last 8 years and counting.
“I give to URI because I want those experiences that made my time there special to continue to be available to current and future students,” said DiVite. “I think it’s really important to give current students the sense of pride that I feel and show fellow young alumni how great it can be to give back.“